It’s always worth being up to date with Google and their latest advice and updates to ensure you and your business online are as efficient as possible. And with the Google Analytics 4 transition complete, it’s time to turn your attention to Google Consent Mode v2 if you haven’t already. Don’t worry, below we give you the low down so you don’t get left behind and what you need to consider to be ahead. 

What is Google Consent Mode V2

Google Consent Mode V2 is an update to user consent relating to cookies and the collection of user data into Google Analytics (GA4), and Google Advertising therefore improving user privacy and data compliance. 

It’s ultimately for anyone using Google Ads in the EEA (European Economic area) with remarketing, or audiences that need to get consent first. Being proactive in gaining a user’s consent, but still getting information on the interaction if they deny it. 

Google Consent Mode v2


What you need to know about it:

There has been some conflicting information surrounding the topic, regarding if you need to implement this or not, specifically for those in the UK. The deadline to gain the extra benefits for websites operating in the EEA was the 6th March this year. That being said, it’s unclear if that is related to us here in the UK, and while Google Support docs still reference EEA, Microsoft has explicitly stated that the UK will soon face this requirement for websites using their advertising platform.

If you don’t have it implemented, it limits the amount of personalisation you can have on your Google ads and potentially render them less effective. This would be due to the quality of data it would collect which in turn helps you target your ads effectively. 

In order to implement Consent Mode V2 successfully there are some changes required to the setting in your CMP (Cookie Management Platform), and in your GA4 account.

What should I do as a Website owner?

If you haven’t already it’s best to get set up regardless both in Google analytics and your CMP, enabling you to be at the forefront of compliance recommendations. 

With using Google Ads it’s best to implement Google Consent Mode V2 so you can collect more data than otherwise would be collected with normal pro-active cookie consent signals. 

Sounds good right? These changes should be straightforward to implement and we encourage all our clients to do so, especially those running advertising campaigns.

Does it impact me as a user?

As a user, all this means is you have greater control over your data, with clearer cookies and privacy policies on show, and what data you would like to share for what purposes. 

Author: Tim Webster

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