When it comes to local search marketing services pre internet one traditional way to search for a local service or product would be to reach for the yellow pages or local directory.  Fast forward to today and for many people google is the default place to go to obtain information about services and products.  One factor to help you increase local SERP for your website is to build local citations.

What is a Local Citation?

A local citation is any online mention of the name, address, postcode (NAP) and phone number for a local business. Citations can occur on local business directories, on websites and on social platforms. Citations help Internet users to discover local businesses and can also impact local search engine rankings. Local businesses can actively manage many citations to ensure data accuracy.

Citations can occur on:

Local generic business directories

Social and Review – oriented sites

Geo/Industry-Specific Niche Platforms

A business can look at building geographic and industry specific listing citations

An example citation directory of the restaurants industry in London

Across The Web

Local business citations can be built or earned by reaching out to a variety of publications such as blogs, news sites, maps, industry specific and government databases and accredited associations.

In addition to the essentional framework of a citation NAP name, address and postcode, citations can also include a number of other core features that enhance the user experience providing them with more information about the business.

The Most Important Citation Site Features

The state of Citations in 2018?

Local Search Experts

“The more prominent and consistent your business is online matters. When a search engine can see that you have more mentions than your competitors it only makes sense that this could affect the way the algorithm sees you as an entity. At the end of the day, getting citations done is a necessary evil. They are not as important as they were a few years ago, but the same thing holds true as it was back in the 90s. If you can get a link or a mention on a relevant website that your customers would care about, then go for it. The worst thing that can happen is you gain more traffic.” Ben Fisher 

Google My Business (GMB)

Google has a specific feature when it comes to local search.  Google my business is a free feature that make it easy for people to start building visibility in Google Search and Maps in your local community.

Core GMB listing Information

Business Name

For more information about Google My Business refer to the following article “Promote Your Business For Free With Google My Business Posts 2018″.

Our marketing department have a wealth of experience helping businesses improve their online presence through local marketing services.

YouTube is often overlooked by businesses as a social media tool, and thought of as just a video-sharing platform.

More businesses in 2019 are including YouTube in their digital marketing strategy.  The same marketing trend is occurring on other major social media networks – Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Linkedin.

Video content will account for 80% of all internet traffic by 2020.  Video content gets up to 10x more reach and engagement compared to links and images

YouTube Facts and Statistics– 2018

  1. Website: https://youtube.com
  2. YouTube is an American video-sharing website headquartered in San Bruno, California
  3. Founded: 14 February 2005
  4. Acquisition date: 13 November 2006
  5. Founders: Jawed Karim, Chad Hurley, Steve Chen
  6. Parent organization: Google
  7. Google + : https://plus.google.com/+youtube
  8. Facebook handle: https://www.facebook.com/youtube
  9. Twitter handle: https://twitter.com/YouTube
  10. Instagram handle: https://www.instagram.com/youtube
  11. Tumblr handle: http://youtube.tumblr.com
  12. Press enquiries contact press@google.com
  13. In 2018 YouTube is now recognized as the world’s second largest search engine
  14. Almost 5 billion videos are watched on YouTube every single day and growing
  15. One billion hours watched daily
  16. YouTube has over a billion users – almost one-third of all people on the Internet – and each day those users watch a billion hours of video, generating billions of views.
  17. In an average month, eight out of ten 18-49-year-olds watch YouTube
  18. YouTube overall on mobile alone reaches more 18–34 and 18–49-year-olds than any cable network in the US
  19. More than half of YouTube views come from mobile devices.
  20. YouTube is localised in 88 countries.
  21. You can navigate YouTube in a total of 76 different languages (covering 95% of the Internet population)
  22. The YouTube Spaces team is focused on helping creators to make great content through strategic programmes and workshops largely administered at the YouTube Space production facilities in Los Angeles, New York, London, Tokyo, Sao Paulo and Berlin.
  23. As of March 2015, creators filming in YouTube Spaces have produced over 10,000 videos, which have generated over 1 billion views and 70+ million hours of watch time.
  24. As of July 2016, YouTube had paid out two billion dollars to rights-holders who have chosen to monetise claims since Content ID first launched in 2007.
  25. As of July 2015, there were 8,000+ partners using Content ID – including many major network broadcasters, movie studios and record labels. They have claimed over 400 million videos, helping them to control their content on YouTube and make money on videos containing copyrighted material.
  26. YouTube have more than 50 million active reference files in their content ID database, making it the most comprehensive in the world. It’s even won a Primetime Emmy!
  27. The first YouTube video was uploaded on April 23, 2005

Online Video Trends

  1. By 2025 half of viewers under the age of 32 will not subscribe to a pay TV service
  2. 6 out of 10 people prefer online video platforms to live TV
  3. In 2015, 18- to 49-year olds spent 4% less time watching TV while time on YouTube went up 74%
  4. On mobile alone YouTube reaches more 18- to 49-year olds than any broadcast or cable TV network.
  5. Among millennials YouTube accounts for two-thirds of premium online video watched across devices.

YouTube is increasing its international reach with a healthy audience due to the increased access to the internet for a number of reasons.  Year on year first and developing world countries are spending billions of dollars in updating and building their national telecommunications infrastructure to increase broadband speed and reach.

The truth is that YouTube is the second largest social media platform after Facebook and it has broadly all the same generic features as other social media platforms and more:

Monthly active users:

YouTube Features

YouTube like all social media platforms can be used to link back to your site in numerous ways, helping to boost the traffic coming to your site as well as helping your SEO.  YouTube videos are also indexed in the google search results


Let’s start with content. As with social media, you will need content for an audience to engage with.  You have to create a “hook” at the start of the video.  Your average viewer will decide to watch the video within the first 3-5 seconds due to the high volume of people watching video online and their short attention span.

70% of a videos performance will depend on how creative and authentic the content is.

Let’s start with content. As with social media, you will need something for an audience to engage with.

Where most people go wrong with YouTube content is that they try to make something that will go ‘viral’.  In reality the chances of this happening are extremely slim.  It is important to remember that just because you don’t have the biggest worldwide trending content doesn’t mean it isn’t attracting a new audience to your company.

Tweet: Where most people go wrong with YouTube content is that they try to make something that will go ‘viral’. Where most people go wrong with YouTube content is that they try to make something that will go ‘viral’.

Instead make something relevant.  Whether it is a simple ‘how-to’ video, tutorials, unboxing, live streaming Q&A’s with your subscribers or something explaining your product or service, make sure that your brand comes across in a natural (and not too salesy) way.

Here are a few factors to consider when making your content:

Be Creative

YouTube can be a great place to advertise a product or service, it can persuade potential customers into buying your service over your competitors.  So, make it something that stands out and get people engaged.  Bring in you and your teams creativity or hire someone to help if you are not the creative type.  Come up with something that will look great and get a relevant message across.

Put some money into it

Like all of your content, your YouTube videos should reflect your business.  So make sure that it has a clean professional look to it.  It is worth investing some money and time into getting it right – you will still be spending a lot less than on a TV advert.

What Next?

Once you have your content, there is more that you can do than just uploading it to YouTube.  Here are few tips to get people to see the content you have created and use it to increase the traffic to your site.

Titles and Tagging

Make sure that your videos are tagged to the right categories.  YouTube does a great job of keeping its audience engaged, you will have probably noticed that you will be offered ‘related videos’ on the right-hand side of the page – take advantage of this.  By making sure that your video is titled correctly and tagged to the right category your content can reach your target audience from similar videos they are already watching via related videos.


‘Favouriting’ other videos that align with your brand or product will mean that they show up on your channel, giving you a wider range of content on your channel homepage. Curating videos can be just as important as creating them so don’t be scared to share content from other brands that you align with.

Linking videos back to your site

The key objectives of creating content are to get people interested in your brand and onto your site.  Your channel homepage can be linked back to the homepage of our site and the videos themselves.

Make sure that you have links in the description to lead potential customers back to site.

Annotations can also be added on top of the video at the end, again leading back to the site.

Make sure that if your video links to the relevant area of the site and not just the homepage.  If the video is in reference to a certain product or service, make sure that it takes them directly to that page.

Share, share, share

Your video shouldn’t just stay within YouTube. Post it on your website, share in on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, medium.com, Snapchat and Twitter, link to it from a newsletter – the more exposure it gets the more return you will get from it.

YouTube adverts and analytics

Now that you have content and few ideas for setting up your videos correctly we can move onto the bigger services that YouTube can offer your business.

YouTube offer a wide variety of advertising options including adverts after searches (similar to pay per click) and adverts before videos are played (pre-rolls). You can bid for YouTube keywords in the same way that you would bid on Google Adwords search network.

It is very easy to set up.  All you will need is a video uploaded to YouTube, a Google Adwords account and then you are ready to launch your ad campaign.

Once you have everything set up you will be able to track your campaign with Adwords and the YouTube free analytics service, which lets you track the traffic your video gets as well as traffic generated from annotations.

If you want to learn more about getting started both YouTube and Google have produced fantastic guides for setting up your YouTube channel to help your business.  If you would like to learn more about increasing your web presences don’t hesitate to give us a call on 01394 615 615 or email enquiries@infotex.co.uk

Source https://www.youtube.com/intl/en-GB/yt/about/press/



Thousands of digital marketers from around the world arrived for Brighton SEO with the knowledge they would have the privilege to learn and hear from the leading voices in the search marketing industry.

Again Kelvin Newman pulled off another successful and memorable search marketing conference.

It was great to meet, network and share ideas with digital marketing freelancers, executives, managers, CEO’s from agencies and passionate individuals who want to learn more about the industry and best business practices.

Of course, every year attendees love the goodies they get in their swag bags. Thanks to all the exhibitors and sponsors for their contributions.

There were many takeaways from the event, the overall trend is that SEO is still relevant more than ever and SEO will evolve over time adapting to new technologies, machine learning, A.I. and how humans will use the web in their daily personal and business life.

Bright Local

Chris from BrightLocal gave Infotex his summary of the days event:

“Every BrightonSEO is an invaluable source of knowledge and networking for the BrightLocal team, but this April’s conference was especially important for us. We’ve recently relocated to Brighton – and wanted to take this opportunity to really cement our position within the Brighton SEO community. It was great to sandwich the morning and afternoon sessions with a networking session – meeting loads of interesting digital marketers from Brighton, and further afield. We also made full use of having Greg Gifford in the UK – sending our newer recruits to his brilliant training session to brush up on local SEO (and 80s movies).

The sessions themselves were as interesting as ever – with a notable standout from Buzzsumo’s Steve Rayson and Brandwatch’s Giles Palmer exploring social sharing amid the content marketing boom.

It was also interesting to see reputation management gaining even more of the conference’s share of voice. We predict this will be one of the SEO trends most likely to grow in importance over the coming months.

A huge congrats to Kelvin for organising another excellent day – and making such a memorable entrance!”

Brightlocals chosen tweet of the day


One of the tools the digital marketing team at Infotex use is SEMrush who gave us the following comment about the conference “We loved it, and as usual, it was a treasury of knowledge and an opportunity to meet with wonderful people”

SEMrush have compiled a detailed slideshare that contains the main highlights of the days conference.

Brighton SEO Takeaways – April 2018 from SEMrush

Link Research Tools

I picked up a signed copy of “Spagetti Code” by Christoph C Cemper the founder of linkresearchtools.com for our digital marketing team.


Lucila Rios from socialpubli talked to Infotex about micro-influencers. From socialpubli’s web site they highlight the importance of micro-influencers.

“At SocialPubli.com, we believe that we are all influencers. Today, it’s not just people who have millions of followers who help to win over consumers. It has also been proven that micro-influencers, ordinary people, can be a very important component in a marketing strategy.”

Pinterest is often overlooked as a website to boost your SEO rankings when considering digital marketing strategies. Pinterest is usually regarded as an inspirational site for those interested in food, interior design and fashion, but it’s so much more. If you aren’t using Pinterest, you could be missing out on an opportunity. With over 150 million users that continue to grow, here is your guide to using Pinterest to boost your SEO.

1. Content is king

As with all websites and social media platforms, the content you produce needs to be good-quality and tailored to your audience. It’s no different with Pinterest. The backbone of the site is sharing new and unique content regularly. The SERPs monitor how many times a piece of content is shared, liked or re-pinned, so share content that’s unique, relevant or interesting. Pinterest provides a perfect platform to share blog posts, images, or products to help enhance your marketing strategy.

2. Optimise Your Profile

It’s important to make sure your business name is in the account name and username, along with a strong description about your company. Remember to include a number of searchable keywords, but don’t sacrifice quality; make sure it reads well.

3. Gain backlinks

Backlinks are an invaluable piece of SEO because search engines generate where your page ranks by considering the number of backlinks that lead people to your website. The more times your pin is viewed, the higher the backlinks to your website. You can even boost your backlinks further by inserting links into the captions of your photos and posts so that another backlink is created each time someone re-pins your image.

4. Keywords are vital

The trick behind keywords is finding the balance between not over-using them and using them effectively. Embrace the power of the #hashtag and use keywords in all of the descriptions of your pins. This will help increase your exposure on the web. You should also make sure your images are saved under your chosen keyword. An image won’t rank for “image2320”, but has a higher chance if it’s saved as its exact description.

Take advantage of Pinterest in-house analytics to track and analyse your progress so you can change your strategy in the future if needed.

If you’re interested in SEO strategies for your web design, then get in touch with us and we’d be happy to discuss all things SEO with you.

If you’ve got a good idea for an offer you want to run and are thinking about launching a pay per click campaign, one thing you’re going to need to do is create an effective landing page. Without one, your PPC campaigns may fall flat meaning you could lose out on revenue. Effective landing pages put emphasis on good design and compelling content writing. Above all else, it needs to grab the visitor’s attention and compel them to complete a conversion.

Keep it clean

Keep it clean

If the purpose of your landing page is to get people to follow through on your offer, you need to make sure your landing page is as clutter-free as possible. Any unnecessary details will draw attention from your message. If the landing page’s sole goal is to make your visitors convert then do what it takes to make their journey to conversion as easy as possible. If, for example, they need to fill out a form, ensure that you don’t have fields that aren’t needed. Strip everything down to the key elements and make sure it’s aesthetically pleasing. Good use of colour and eye-catching images have a surprisingly big impact. Studies have shown that using reds and greens work well for increasing landing page conversions, but ensure there is a good contrast between the button colour and your background.

Tailor your page

Tailor your page

If you have been promoting your offer well, through PPC campaigns, social media, Google AdWords and more, it’s highly likely that you’ll be receiving traffic from plenty of sources. Think seriously about customising your landing page for different audiences. It’s possible that a customer that has come to the landing page through Facebook knows a lot less about your offer than someone who is responding to a link in your email marketing campaign.

Make it match

Make it match

If your pay per click advertisements are driving your landing page, you’ll want to make sure that your copy is consistent. Repeating language and phrases that are in your PPC ads on your landing page helps to reinforce your message and adds to customer confidence. You need to be making sure that your page matches the advertisements as closely as possible. If your advertisement is about a specific product such as a pair of trainers, don’t send them to the sports clothing section – send them directly to the product they’re interested in.

For more information about how to create an effective landing page, contact the friendly team at Infotex today.

Delivering engaging, innovative content for your business is hard work, especially when you’re trying to sell a product or service. When you hit a creative roadblock it can be hard to know where to start. We’ve come up with some great ideas to kickstart your social media campaign, increase user engagement and build those all-important followers.

1. Contests

If you’re marketing a product, why not encourage your followers to showcase it? Open up a photography or video contest asking people to capture your product with a relevant hashtag. You’ll get lots of user-generated content you can then reuse: perfect for highlighting a new product launch, branding update or special offer!

2. How-to guides

Giving your followers something extra can really aid in loyalty and engagement. How-to guides are popular, giving customers an insight into your processes and can help your followers engage with your offering on a deeper level. Ask them to share the results of their project once they finish.

3. Cast your vote

Remember Boaty McBoatface? Everybody loves to have their say. If you’re launching something new, hold a Twitter vote to give followers a say on its colour, name or function. They’ll be invested in the new product ready for launch and you’ll gain valuable feedback from the people who really matter.

4. Jump on a hashtag

Trending hashtags are perfect to instantly grab the attention of a whole new audience. You might choose to share some images for #mondaymotivation, have your say on #internationalwomensday or take part in the Ice Bucket Challenge. A little bit of research and your brand visibility can improve in an instant.

5. Try something new

If your content is still feeling old, jump on to a platform that’s new to you. Show people around your office with Vine or capture your processes on Instagram. Or have a go at a feature you’ve been avoiding. Facebook Live is perfect for connecting in a meaningful way with your followers. There are new audiences everywhere – all you have to do is reach out to them.

For help planning your social media campaigns, get in touch.

Here at Infotex, we aim to offer the widest possible spectrum of digital marketing services.
You are probably already aware that we offer help with both website design and email marketing, for example. But did you know that certain website design techniques can be applied to marketing emails to improve the chances of recipients responding positively? While an email has a very different format to a website, they both need to be visually appealing and useful in order to succeed. Ergo, the techniques that are used to create one can often be applied to the other. In today’s blog, we’ll look at the website design techniques and strategies that can be deployed in your best email marketing campaigns.

Use Colour
1. Using colour to engage viewers with aesthetics

Black-and-white textual emails are suitable for ordinary communication, but they aren’t very well adapted for marketing. In order to grab your recipients’ interest, you should utilise colour, just as you would on your website. Adding colourful, visual elements to your emails makes them more aesthetically engaging and encourages recipients to devote more time to reading them. What’s more, you can deploy the colours that you use across your business to reinforce your brand.

Use Images
2. Intrigue viewers with images

In addition to deploying an attractive colour scheme, you should also consider using images in your marketing emails. Images are very effective at drawing recipients in simply because, when people see an image, they instinctively want to understand what it’s about. An image can intrigue a viewer by making them consider its context. Including images on a web-page encourages visitors to read the text. Similarly, including them in an email increases the likelihood that it will be read thoroughly.

Use White Space
3. Deploy white-space to avoid overwhelming customers

An important part of designing a website is ensuring that your viewers don’t become overwhelmed by data. Every well-designed website utilises areas of white-space so that viewers aren’t confronted with a solid wall of text and images. Emails should use white-space in the same way. Nobody wants to open a marketing email and see a solid block of text or images, so give your recipients some breathing room. This will make it easier for them to absorb your email’s contents and may encourage them to act on what they read.

If you need further assistance with either website design or email marketing, get in touch with us today. We’re always eager to help.

Learn how to promote your business with Google My Business posts. Google are continuing to release new features for Google My Business in 2019. Back on the 22nd June 2017, Google announced they were launching Posts, their long-awaited addition to the Google My Business listing platform. This feature is available to all businesses and you are given a range of options to regularly post content onto your Google My Business (GMB) listing. Posts are like free mini-ads that show up in your google organic and maps search results (knowledge panel).

If you haven’t already got a Google My Business listing then what rock having you been living under!? It provides those searching for your business with all the important information they will need such as:

In addition to this, a Google My Business listing is essential to a website’s local SEO, especially those searching using local terms. Fully optimising your listing could help improve how your website ranks organically on Google for a whole array of search terms related to your business.

The best thing of all? It’s completely free!

Posts is one of the latest features to be added and just another reason why your business should be taking full advantage of what a GMB listing could offer.

Recommended Factors to Optimise your Local Ranking on Google

The Posts feature in Google My Business allows companies to post an image with short write-ups accompanied by “calls to action” below in the form of buttons. The variety of opportunities that this gives small businesses to promote their product/service are endless –




Those three examples are just the beginning in how you could use Posts to market your business directly onto the Google search results page. These posts would also expand the size of your listing, a huge bonus due to the hypercompetitive nature of the Google SERP.

how to promote your business for free

Once setup, there wouldn’t be any extra work involved in posting here if you are already using social media outlets such as Twitter/Facebook. This is the answer to the question “How can I promote my business on Google without spending loads of money?”

If you are interested in setting up a Google My Business (GMB) listing and utilising Google Posts then please get in touch with us and we’d be glad to guide you through the process. Our marketing department have a wealth of experience helping businesses improve their online presence through Google My Business.


I wanted to see how easy it was for small businesses to grow followers on Instagram without the input of a marketing resource. Aside from my role at Infotex I am a digital artist, I sell limited edition prints and commissions so for this experiment I featured my Instagram around my small business as an artist.


I already had an account with around 29 followers (pretty meagre). But if you haven’t you need to download the app onto your phone and set up an account. To aid being found I recommend both your username (known as a handle with the @ sign) and your name having reference to what you do in it. For example I set my name as Abstract Landscape Artist. You are then more likely to come up in a search of your your specialism.

Write your biography wisely and link to a relevant page on your website in the URL (web address) field. This is the only small area you have to promote what you do and direct people away from Instagram.


Then choose the amount of times you think you can feasibly post each day and get started. I went with one but three is optimal.


Your pictures need to be good. Look around, there is a very ‘glossy’ magazine feel to Instagram. It is also starting to be more common to see the animated gifs or video loop images offered by new smart phones.


Friendly and kind. This is not twitter.
People are more reserved about who they follow than on other social platforms, they are much more likely to ‘like’ than give you a full resounding follow.

Etiquette seems to suggest you should have more followers than be following.


Make sure you use the hashtag (#) in each post.
The only way for you to reach those outside your own following is including a hashtag they may be interested in. Think clearly about what subjects your audience would look at and make sure that your hashtag includes:

Six hash tags is about right. if you want to set your hashtags away from your post text, you will often see people use ‘–’

For example;
This is the text for my insta-post

#hashtags #subject #location #etc


You can indeed increase your following by good old fashioned hard work.


Quite excited I surfed around on Instagram looking at people trending on hashtags similar to the ones I was using. I commented on their pictures and in return got some nice comments back, a few likes and some thank yous but not really any follows.


I checked out the ‘settings’ tab on my instagram and under ‘Find & Invite Friends’ trawled my contacts stalking anyone I had ever known – and followed – with not that much response.

Then I looked at ‘Suggested Users’ and, being a little more sensitive here, I liked or commented on their images and then followed. The response was good, better than my real friends! I got quite a few follows back and increasing likes.


So I now knew that if I made the effort to look, comment and then follow I was more likely to get people taking the time to look at me and follow, but more often it started in lots of likes. I found if I checked the ‘grammers’ that had left likes (but no follow) commented or posted on their feed, then followed them I was getting a higher rate of follow returns.

I also noticed that my activity and engagement was snowballing I was reaching wider and growing likes, comments and follows.


Next I checked how my time of day was affecting numbers.
Currently I was posting at 9pm  so I tried at 7am and 12pm. The numbers were considerable; midday doubling and early morning tripling so I moved my daily post to 7am.

Small trick – I also learned to cull dead followees, those I was following who were not attentive to my path to greatness.


I did some real world research.
I went about my day asking anyone I could what they thought of Instagram and how it worked for them – there are definitely industries that thrive on Instagram and I found many people and small businesses for whom Instagram is a brilliant marketing tool bringing them many sales. These industries are generally fashion, food, lifestyle and outdoor adventure.

So what if you aren’t in one of those industries?


In one word….Keywords.
#Hashtags are key but tagging just for ‘your’ industry is not a way to approach a wider audience so I started #ing the industries that worked. Adding #interiors #interiordesign #womensfitness #wheretonext and apparently blueberries and donuts do wonders for likes too, but no, even I had a limit to how low I would stoop. That said using the hashtags from popular industries definately increased likes which in turn after I had engaged, cultivated follows.

You can see a few popular hashtags in this article; www.postplanner.com/best-instagram-hashtags


So numbers were growing, this was great wasn’t it?
Now I just focused on those liking my posts. I checked them out, liked, commented and followed. This showing of interest in them over just following increased my follows, but as this grew as did my time responding and although I discovered new, nice and interesting stuff it was taking up my time which should have been spent doing actual work.

‘I wasn’t doing this out of enjoyment but for the benefit of my business’

Unlike pinterest where I surf just to find ephemera and inspiration I wasn’t doing this out of enjoyment but for the benefit of my business, this is very different from using a social platform for social or personal purposes. So was the return on investment enough for the time (and therefore money) I was spending?


I was pleased, I had more than tripled my following and it was easy to see that this was a snowballing effect. As I continued posting and tagging once a day, my numbers were growing at a much quicker rate than the virtually ‘zero’ movement before this experiment.

There is no doubt that Instagram, and all the other social media platforms help build very successful businesses, however choose wisely, test, decide, create a strategy and importantly –  stick to it. Even those that have millions of followers all say it is hard work, and just posting with the odd hashtag and sitting back and waiting will not bring you riches.

With 300 million active daily users on instagram yes that means you have a far reaching pool but it also means you have a big ocean to navigate through, with your lone voice needing to rise above other – dare I say – natives, and many millions of those are of course not interested in your line of business.


Yes and no. Social media is not a magic wand but if you choose your social media platform carefully, have a strategy and a campaign – and stick to it – it is likely to work. But sporadic posting across random platforms is less likely to help your business and more likely waste you time.

Stats on conversion rates seem to vary considerably but most say social platforms are around or below 1% with newsletters being much higher than that so finding the right platform and finding the right person (not everyone has the knack) is an expense that needs to be factored in. In the end, social marketing is no different from traditional marketing, find what suites you and stick to it, routinely making sure the return is worth the outlay.

You can find a large selection of stats here if you want to know more: www.expandedramblings.com/

And finally, if any of these alarm bells have rung for you and finding the right marketing avenue to turn down is on your mind why not give us a call.
All our advice is born out of hands on experience and delivered with unbiased recommendation.

Already an active user on Twitter I wanted to explore the merits of Instagram to see if it may be a better platform for growing brands or small businesses.


Statistics show that Instagram has overtaken Twitter in active users but Twitter still has far more posts shared each day (500 million tweets v. 80 million instagram images) but what do these statistics mean for me?

Both have a very similar demographic but the main difference is that Twitter is a great platform for sharing content, users can automatically post or share from other social platforms or from a blog, therefore quickly getting content into Twitter to encourage users back to your website or main marketing platform.

Instagram on the other hand is very much ‘in app’ with the user’s complete attention as they are unable to click to go to blogs, videos or outside links. Marketing campaigns must centralise around engaging audiences completely within that platform, not spring boarding them out (of course there is always ways around this) but it is quite a different approach to marketing that needs to be thought about.

Instagram is tapping into a community of very visual consumers, image quality is everything and a great place to build a brand and loyal followers. Whereas Twitter is good for sharing content and interacting quickly with customers, so much so that many large online organisations use Twitter to deal with ongoing support issues.


One thing is for sure that the digital landscape doesn’t stand still. Do you remember Myspace and Friends Reunited? The rise of Facebook that was then threatened by Twitter and now Instagram. So it is a pretty safe bet that the next big thing will come along and I have always been under the instinct that early adopters to a platform are actually the ones that reap the benefit, they take a risk, start when the pool is small and get rewarded.

So we have Snapchat making waves with businesses already looking to market here to a very young audience, there is also Vine, and many more. Two new ‘Instagram’ style platforms to watch still in their infancy are Ello and Hyper. Both follow a similar strategy to Instagram but Ello’s manifesto is no advertising not ever. And Hyper with a voting system and anonymous ‘secret’ style posting which could be quite interesting for brands, has the backing of Vine.

Ello’s no advertising manifesto is quite interesting as if using social media purely for selling, then advertising is a quicker way to get in front of your audience and so an avenue to think about. And if it is just about selling then thinking which channel of marketing will actually get the best return on investment is incredibly important, and that may or may not be as an active social media participant.

But mainstream social media platforms are not the only form of social marketing. Currently for me my best return on investment is my newsletter – so efforts should be put to getting more subscribers here.

Also looking at industry specific media platforms is another option. These exist for most industries, and as an example if you are a gallery, photographer, artist or interior designer there is SaatchArt or Houzz. Different audiences but they are still social media, and some of the algorithm’s within these platforms don’t require you to be quite so virulent to get noticed which is another factor when looking for the right marketing balance.

These niche platforms on which you can create a following from an audience actively looking for your type of product or service, although there may be less users and less posts than the big 3, they are much more qualified leads.


The thought is not, should I be using Twitter or Instagram, Facebook or Linkedin, the questions is what is my marketing strategy and which platform is going to best suit my business, audience, time allowance and budget. These platforms don’t work for everyone and is spreading yourself thin really going to be more beneficial than a contained effort?

There are, and always have been small factions of people that do things differently, but with the connection of social media their voice can gain traction very quickly. This cool hunting means a wave movement of users across platforms scouted out by those hipster explorers and pioneers, followed by the influencers, then mainstream and marketing bringing up the rear.

This pattern won’t stop it has been going on in a social context throughout humanity but our global connection has made it a much faster and more fickle movement. Standing still as a business has never been harder with such a strong forward current as technology expands and globality contracts.

So don’t  just jump on the latest  bandwagon as it won’t last but instead use that traditional approach of ‘which type of marketing actually works for us’.   Time is money and all marketing avenues should be considered. Social media, although very much a tool in our marketing toolkit is not the free, magical, marketing machine we have perhaps been lead to believe. Research, testing and a firm strategy, with routine and continuity will stand you in good stead – and you never know you may even become an influencer not a follower.


I spent a week ankle deep in Instagram and a few of the other visual social media platforms to give some insider insight in my article coming out next week. But if this is already on your mind and you can’t wait until next month why not give us a call and pick our brains in relation to your business online.

The second part of the 51 Degrees event was about the emergence of Progressive Web Apps an alternative to both Native Apps and Mobile Websites, reigniting the native v. web app debate once more.


An app is any form of software application, most notably thought of as the tools we download on our phones and tablets to chat to friends, make bookings or play games. But it can also be the programs we use on our computers or IOT devices.

Previously an app has been something you download from an app store – Window or Apple app store, Google play (android) – or a software reseller. You need to download the right type of app for your device and make sure it is compatible with your version of software but once installed you are in its own little microcosm; with notifications, offline processing, access to the inbuilt camera, storage – it’s more secure and less likely to get hacked – and incredibly fast.

Until now mobile websites were unable to compete on this level, as they are not equipped to make use of the built in processes of a handheld device.

But it wasn’t all in Native apps’ favour. Knowing what you want and going to find an app in an app store is one thing but discovery through search engines is a powerful way to gain more visitors. Add to that the fact that a user must download, install and setup the app before they are even allowed through the door – which is known on the web as friction – it’s pretty damaging to the conversion rate of the visitors that do come.

In an attempt to combat this effect, Google decided to try and align the best elements of both web pages and applications to create Progressive Web Apps (PWA). This technology loads quickly, even on flaky networks, sends relevant push notifications, has an icon on the home screen and loads as a full screen experience.

PWA’s are still searchable on search engines but make use of the inbuilt processor. It lowers friction by allowing users to immediately get a feel for the content then gently suggesting saving the app to their home screen. It runs a ‘one size fit’s all’ when it comes to compatibility with OS and devices and does not rely on requiring each user to activate updates to their install.

One of the earliest examples of progressive web apps being adopted is Flipkart – India’s answer to Amazon and one of the country’s largest online shops –  releasing Flipkart Lite. This version saw 3x more visits on a mobile than the old site and returning visits go up by 40%.


Service Workers
All of this is possible because of the development of Service Workers, which formulate the building blocks of web apps and hugely improve load time. They run as scripts working in the background of the browser or web page, opening doors to features which don’t need a web page or user interaction.

The offline capabilities of the service worker are already apparent with the push notifications you receive from various apps. However, the future lies in their ability to background cache/sync and in geofencing – a location-based mobile service that lets marketers send messages to your smartphone when you enter a defined geographic area.

Response, Animation, Idle & Load (RAIL)
It is clear that we are living in an instantaneous society where an ever-increasing speed with our technology is demanded from the public. This is where RAIL comes in. RAIL stands for Response, Animation, Idle and Load and represents the four key stages involved in the actions for your website/app. The optimisation of each of these distinct areas will reduce user frustration and retain viewers – 40% of audiences are lost if a page takes 7 seconds to load, remember that goldfish from last month’s AMP article?


Unfortunately no – well not yet…Progressive Web Apps are only available on Android devices and even then, service workers are only supported on Chrome and Opera browsers so their accessibility is hugely limited (although it is suggested that iOS devices may be supporting this technology as early as late 2016).

This is why our job as digital designers and system developers is to listen and learn from all that is out there and make sure that our work is not dependent on a new product from an internet giant, but that we heed the underlying message that users are sending out which culminates in these type of responses – two of which I have talked about here. Making sure that we offer the correct and considered advice to our clients and that our websites and applications work and continue to work optimally and inclusively for the needs of your business.

This new form of web app can be taken advantage of by most industries but one we feel is of special interest is estate agency. Many of our clients have talked about the benefits of an app, but the budget and friction of installation has generally made it prohibitive when competing against the property portals. The benefits of a web app bring the barriers of entry way down making it inviting for both estate agent and applicant. An estate agency could expect an increase in returning visitors and improved site stickiness if customers can be prompted to save the app to their mobile or tablet home screen and applicants get to just save and browse the agents they know are right for them not trawl through pages of unsuitable properties on the portals each time. Could this even be the real start of the decline in power of the portals?

This is Part One in a series on our involvement in the Google Partners Elevator Programme

A key Google characteristic in my mind is the long play. They do something because they believe in it, and keep on doing it for as long as it takes for it to yield.

This idealism has anchors in the real world.  The pragmatic recognition that revenues come high on the list of priorities saw to it that Google Adwords got plenty of attention in the early years, since when the company has been able to power its way through numerous adventures, perhaps most notable of late being “driverless electric cars”.

Of course, key to Adwords success was the early dominance of the “free” Internet search engine space – which required focus and brilliance – so that the advertising platform could dominate “paid search” in equal measure.

So here is this leviathan, powered by incredible advertising revenues worldwide to which Infotex has paid its dues in a small way over the years.  When I overheard Dan, Tim and Ollie talking about “Google Elevator”, I thought “Well, they are making cars, why not elevators?”

So imagine my surprise and delight when we were invited as a (let’s face it) rather small “Google Partner” to join their Google Elevator Partner Business Owners’ Coaching Programme.

Google have recognised that there are thousands of hard working and intelligent people out there running digital marketing agencies, which when combined generate billions in ad revenues.  Often the work of a digital agency is challenging, commercially risky and just plain old hard going. To support this community and help us to do better, a handful of us were selected to join their Partner Elevator programme – these are the agencies in whom Google can see potential, and to whom Google is pleased to give back.

This programme bears all the hallmarks of other Google activity.  We have been provided with access to some of the best coaching and mentoring services around.  All in Google’s London HQ with the legendary supplies of food and cupcakes.  Headed up by Robert Craven of The Director’s Centre, a team of his consultants and Google staff have provided us with workshops, books and one-to-one coaching sessions to use in any way we wish for the improvement of our businesses.  Very Google.

For me this has come at an ideal time.  Infotex is 12 years in the making, and I am 53!  We have a great company that has already covered a lot of miles and has real strengths.  The time is right for us to look to the future and crystalise our vision for 2020 and beyond.

Robert and his team are inspiration combined with pragmatism – just as you would expect with all things Google. Here at Infotex we look forward to sharing insights over the coming months and how this experience will help you our customer.

Whatever you want to discuss, we’re here to help.

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