Search Engine Optimisation
Make sure all pages have meta titles and meta descriptions to help search engines know what your site is about. Review the keywords/phrases that you are targeting on your site and see if they are still applicable or has terminology changed? Make sure all images have alt tags as this improves site useability for those with limited vision. The EU Accessibility Act will come in to the force this year and sets out new inclusivity regulations for sites, so if you operate in EU member states its worth reviewing where you stand.
Is your password for your website admin still Password1234, and are you using the same password for multiple different logins? The more time goes by the more advanced security risks become but the humble password is often the weakest point in the chain. Take the opportunity to get a new advanced secure password, and utilise a password manager such as LastPass or Dashlane to store those details securely. For platforms that support it make sure you have two-factor or multifactor authentication enabled.
Make sure all images have been optimised by being resized to the correct dimensions and compressed using a tool such as tinypng. This helps improve load time of the site and keeps users happy.
Update Your Content
Are you still referencing floppy disks in your copy, have you still got the Twitter bird logo rather than X? Was your last “latest news” post from 2005? All of these reflect badly on your brand so make time to update the out of date. Time is often better served improving existing content, rather than trying to create news. While you’re there, make sure your privacy and cookie policies are all up to date.
Take a Fresh Look
Try going through your website and REALLY looking at it and seeing whether it still feels like it’s saying what you want it to say, in it’s look, feel, usability. Are there just a few things you need to change or is time for a complete overhaul?