Snellings Museum presents a diverse collection of audio-visual equipment, from the early days of radio right through to modern-day computing. The website is packed with information on these artefacts, many of which were once common household items – giving us a fascinating insight into our technological past.
Since 2016, following the sale of the Museum building, the Snellings Museum exhibition has been held exclusively online. As time goes on, however, they hope to create an exhibition and learning space to showcase the collection.
The website aims to present the artefacts with the same inspiring and informative impact that you might get at a physical museum, as much as possible. As well as showcasing each item, and providing a platform for the Snellings team to populate it with information, the site really comes alive due to the multiple high-quality photos of each artefact, many showing hidden internal components.
To encourage visitors to browse and discover artefacts, as you would with a physical museum, a filtering system was created so that users could select by decade, brand, or device type, and on individual artefact pages other artefacts of the same type are shown.
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