Keyword research plays a pivotal role in Google Ads (formerly known as Google AdWords). When you’re creating and optimising Google Ads campaigns, keyword research is a fundamental step. After all, knowing the right keywords to include can make the difference between a successful ad campaign and one that falls flat.

Here are the many ways that keyword research is related to Google Ads.


Ad campaign setup 

Keyword research is the foundation of any Google Ads campaign. You start by selecting relevant keywords that align with your products, services, or goals. These keywords trigger your ads to appear when users search for those terms on Google.

Keyword selection

The next step is using keyword research tools to identify the most appropriate and effective keywords for your ad campaigns. The goal is to choose keywords that are not only relevant but also have sufficient search volume to reach your target audience. The more people searching and finding your business via the right keywords will improve your chances of ranking well.

Negative keywords

It might sound counterintuitive, but negative keywords can help improve your search ranking. As well as selecting target keywords, researching and incorporating negative keywords — the terms you don’t wish to appear for — can help to filter out irrelevant traffic and prevent wasted ad spend.

Bid strategy

The competitiveness and cost of keywords play a role in bid strategy. Keyword research helps you understand the bidding landscape and set appropriate bids to achieve your advertising goals.

Quality score

The relevance of the chosen keywords to ads and landing pages is a key factor in Google’s Quality Score. Higher Quality Scores can result in better ad positioning and lower costs. Remember, effective keyword research ensures alignment and relevance.

Ad copy and landing pages

Keyword research influences the ad copy you create and the content on your landing pages. Your ads should match the search intent of the keywords you’re targeting to improve click-through rates and conversions.

Match types

Google Ads allows different keyword match types, including broad match, phrase match, exact match, and broad match modifier. Keyword research helps decide which match types to use based on campaign objectives.

Long-tail keywords

Keyword research may reveal valuable long-tail keywords that have lower competition and can be cost-effective for reaching a highly targeted audience. These long-tail keywords can be short phrases rather than individual words and may match your customer’s frequently asked questions.

Keyword expansion

Things change all the time online, and ongoing keyword research can help discover new keywords to expand campaigns and reach more potential customers.

Performance optimisation

By monitoring Google Ads campaigns, you can make data-driven decisions based on the performance of chosen keywords. Adjusting bids, creating new ad groups, or pausing underperforming keywords based on the data you gather.

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Author: Will Ridd

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